Share and Help

Living with and overcoming addiction is difficult, tell your story and hear from others who face the same challenge. Find help, share your thoughts, make a difference.
Are you troubled, have you changed? Tell your story, share your knowledge and experience. You matter and you can help yourself and someone in need.
Your experience, ideas and compassion can help someone recognize and overcome addiction. Make a difference, help a friend or loved one.
Sharing ideas, talking through challenges and understanding others can lead a person along the path of hope and sobriety. Together we are strong.
Feeling lost or alone? Connect with people who have overcome addiction, hear their stories, learn about their path and find your way forward.

Recognize Someone

Did a family member, friend or complete stranger make a positive difference in your life? Tell your story, share what they did and honor them.

Fundraisers & Events

Mentors, communities, local cities, and companies of influence create events which help their community and fight the spread of addiction.
Joining our community is easy. Create your profile and share your story. Your unique experiences are valuable and help others navigate theirs.

You matter, your life has meaning and your experiences may be similar to those of others. Share your story, learn from someone else.

You can change your life today

Maybe someone else’s and definitely your own. Take the first step.

How Do I Join this Community?

Why Join This Community?

Help yourself and others in need by sharing knowledge, learning and connecting with like-minded people who care.
When addiction is recognized the time to help is immediate. However, the type of help needed is very dependent on the person so should be considered carefully.
An addiction is a deep-rooted dysfunction of the brain that is driven by the recurring use of a substance, often with negative physical and social effects.
Many prescription drugs, including opioids, marijuana, stimulants and depresents can become addictive, along with illegal substances like cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, MDMA.
Some common signs of addiction are moodiness, social isolation, unusual or odd behavior, paranoia and apathy towards what once interested the person.
There are many options from free and State Rehab programs, to insurance covered Partial Hospitalization and Outpatient options, Rehab and Treatment Centers and local help groups which can provide positive guidance and support. If you or someone you care about needs immediate help call a center or hotline.
It’s an ongoing journey, often with ups and downs as life can tempt former addicts to relapse. Recovery is a lifelong process that sometimes requires understanding and patience.

There are many sources of help, both online and locally. There are helplines listed here below and state/federal addiction programs. In some cases, health insurance covers treatment.

If you need help, we urge you to call one of these phone numbers:
Immediate need? Call it Now!

Dial #911

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

(800) 273-TALK (8255)

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

(800) 799-7233

National Help Line for Substance Abuse:

(800) 262-2463

Crisis Text Line:

Text to 741741

Joining our community is easy. Read about the lives people live, their challenges and how they overcame adversity.

People who care and share similar experiences live everywhere, some are probably near you.

You can turn your life around today.

You’re stuck, overwhelmed, and tired, and you need help finding your way forward.